Women Who Lead: Celebrating International Women’s Day

On Wednesday at 12 PM Eastern, join community leaders for a LIVE discussion on International Women’s Day to celebrate female leaders, founders, and the rebels who paved the path for future female leaders.

Register here.

Community Strategists Deb Schell, Jamie Langskov, and Laura Zug will host the conversation celebrating women's accomplishments, challenges, and what they’ve overcome.

Did you know that Women-owned US businesses employ 9.4 million workers

and generate revenue of $1.9 trillion? (What to Become 2022 stats)

But only 3% of VC funding goes to businesses founded by women. (Springboard Enterprises).

Here are a few more stats:

  • In 2021, female founders generated a 35% higher return on their investment than their male counterparts.
  • 22.4% of small business owners in the US are women.
  • 17 % of black women are in the process of starting a new business.
  • 14% of women-owned businesses employ between 11–50 workers.

During this live stream on YouTube, we will share

  • Female business leaders have inspired us.
  • Historical female founders set their path.
  • Organizations that are dedicated to elevating women.
  • The importance of lifting each other.

Register here.



Deb Schell, Author and Community Strategist

Community Strategist, Author, Podcaster, Designer. Find Calm Here, where community strategy meets intentionality.