This New Online Community helps you Find Calm

Find Calm Here Community Open June 2020

If you could have the perfect day, what would you do? How do you feel? Who’s looking back at you in the mirror? Where are you? What are you doing? How do you earn a living? Who’s with you today? How’s your quality of life? Are you enjoying life?

If all of this could be answered for you with the help and support of a community whose goal is to help you find calm in the chaos of daily life, how would you feel? Would you want to be part of a community like that? What’s the value for you to change your life? How much would you invest?

Find Calm Here will help you go from chaos to calm in EVERY aspect of life. With live events hosted weekly, we discuss how to find calm at home, at work, or while traveling. Learning from experts and gaining support in the community to help you set intentional actions with conversations around mindfulness, wellness, relationships, career, family to help you find calm and live your best life.

My name is Deb Schell and I’m the Founder of Find Calm Here. With experience in creating calm in my life through healthy and mindful habits, I wanted to share resources with others in my community to help others find calm in daily life.

FCH started with small in-person events in my home that I hosted to share the products, services, and resources with friends and family to help them find their calm.

Five years ago, before creating these habits, I was unhappy, depressed, overweight, in $46K of debt, living with my mother, commuting 40 minutes to a stressful sales job that was leaving me feeling disconnected from myself.

Incorporating habits like journaling, getting outside, meditation, yoga, essential oils, massage, music, mindful eating, creating vision boards, and setting daily affirmations, is how I discovered a sense of calm in my life.

Now my actions align with my values as I have created an intentional space to practice daily morning routines to create meaningful conversations, feel more focused, practice being present in daily life, and find calm at any moment.

Once I established these routines in my life and set a plan, I was able to pay off my debt in three years and find my own apartment. I then worked with an interior designer to create a calming home to work. In December of 2019, I left my corporate job! Now I work remotely and control my time!

What allowed me to get clarity around my life’s mission is that I was able to have the time to develop a business plan for what is now a global virtual online community! (It only took a pandemic!) Joking, not really. I truly had time to think about what is important, and I knew I needed to give my dream a “go” and try it. If I’d still been at that office job, or working at all, it would have been really hard for me to have had this much progress in 30 days.

Weekly FREE Virtual Live Events

During the pandemic, I’ve been hosting weekly LIVE virtual events each week and have enjoyed conversations around how to create calm in each day. We will continue to host virtual events since I have launched a partner program and currently have 34 partners who will be hosting live virtual events around finding calm. In June I’ll be launching a private community where we support the members by facilitating accountability calls and asking the “Founding Members” what they want to achieve, then we help get them there. We will have some social events as well that offer ways for people to connect with each other around the globe. Some of our partners are from a few countries and across the US. From California to Maine, we’ve got partners offering their stories of finding calm in the midst of chaos.

I’m proud of the progress I’ve made in the past month and can’t wait to see what the next month brings in regards to this online community I’m building with the help of the partners. I also need YOUR help! I need to get the word out about Find Calm Here, and if you are able, please consider joining us for a LIVE VIRTUAL EVENT, check out our events page and follow us on Facebook!

I know this has been a really challenging time, and if there’s a way I can support you, let me know! I’d love to have you be apart of the Find Calm Here Community! Check out a recent promo for our live event below!



Deb Schell, Author and Community Strategist

Community Strategist, Author, Podcaster, Designer. Find Calm Here, where community strategy meets intentionality.